Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Top Consumer Tips for Choosing Electrical Contractors

1.  Always call a licensed and insured professional electrician to perform electrical repairs. Electrical work requires Specialized knowledge and tools to avoid injury to yourself or damage to your home.

2.  If you own an older home, you may want an electrician to examine your system to catch any safety issues; for instance, your electrical system may not be properly grounded or you may need a larger main panel

3.  If your breakers trip frequently, outlets emit a burning odor, you are hearing strange noises or lights flicker at random, call an electrician to take a look for underlying issues.

4.  The US Fire Administration recommends testing your smoke detectors once a month, replacing the batteries once a year and replacing the smoke defector units every ten years or when they no longer function when tested.

5. Ask your electrical contractor about standby generators if you live in an area that commonly experiences storms or power outages or if someone in your home relies on medical equipment.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Common Questions Answered About Ceiling Fans

Fan Operation: Which direction settings should I use?
    Reverse during the cold season, and forward during the hot season. To know your fan is spinning in reverse, it should be spinning clockwise. To know if your fan is spinning forward, it should be spinning counter-clockwise.

My fan is making a clicking sound. How do I make it stop?
    Check to see if a screw or nut is loose. Check the fan pole mounts to make sure it’s secured. Check the mounting bracket located under the canopy to make sure it’s secured to the junction box and ceiling. Make sure that all screwed and nuts are tightened.

My ceiling fan is humming and the motor is not spinning. What's the problem?
    In this case, the capacitor in your ceiling fan has gone bad. The fact that it is making a humming noise is the fan is still receiving power but does not have the ability to spin with a bad capacitor. These parts are available for replacement, but any uncertified ceiling fan technician that opens the motor housing of your fan will cause the fan to void warranty. Another cause for this to happen is the control system for your fan may be the wrong type of system, thus causing the humming noise without the motor to spin.

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Monday, April 6, 2020

5 Tips For Electrical Outlet, Switch, & Lighting Placement

1. Do A Walk-Through Of Your Home, Business Or Office

    Before meeting with a contractor & electrician, do your own walk-through of your house & decide where you want your outlets, light switches, chandeliers, pendant lights, sconce lights, speakers, exterior lights, etc.

Go with your thoughts & ideas or with just your spouse so that when you do meet with the electrician everyone is on the same page & your meeting will go a lot smoother & quicker
  It is so much easier to talk through.

    Also, be aware that the electrician may have to make some adjustments depending on the code of your state/county.

2. Take Notes

    While doing your own walk-through, write notes in each room on the wood (stud) with a colored pencil so that we could easily remember what & where we wanted things. You can also do this with a plain pencil if your home is finished and you are simply adding outlets.

    This will make the meeting with your electrician even easier as all of our notes were right there on the wood (or wall).

    The electrician can make his notes with a different colored pencil on the wood so it will be easy to distinguish between the two. (For additions, the electrician can use a colored pencil on the wall as well).

3. Plan For The Holidays

    While doing your walk-through & planning the electrical, be sure to think about the holidays & how you will want to use electricity to decorate.

  Maybe you will want to connect all of the upper outlets to a light switch so that at Christmas you can turn on/off your Christmas tree & other holiday decors at the switch of a button.

    Or maybe you love to decorate the exterior of your home so you have extra outlets placed outside of your house.

    One other thing you may want to plan for is to have an outlet placed on our floor (once the floors are installed) right where you plan to have a Christmas tree. This avoids running unsightly extension cords.

4. Plan Smart

    If you are wanting to have a smart home now, or even someday in the future, now is the time to plan for it.

    Make sure your electrician knows if you want special smart home features, indoor/outdoor
speakers, or any other special features.

    Even if you don’t get the special gadgets right away, at least your home will already be wired for them for whenever you do decide to upgrade the smartness of your home.

5. Take Lots Of Photos

  Once the electrical is in place, before the sheet rock goes up, take pictures or a video in every room of all of the electrical boxes; it is a great way to ensure to not forget to cut through the sheet rock for a forgotten or hidden outlet.

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Monday, March 30, 2020

Ceiling Fan Benefit: Energy Cost Reduction

Energy Efficient Ceiling Fans Can Help With Energy Costs

A ceiling fan installation can give your room an updated design as well as improved functionality to help reduce your energy bills.

A ceiling fan utilizes the “wind chill effect” to make you feel cooler, meaning you can turn up the thermostat between six to eight degrees since the ceiling fan will make you feel cooler. This can help you can save up to 47 percent on cooling costs. Of course, this also depends on local climate conditions and energy rates.

You can save roughly 15 percent on your heating bill during the cold months by reversing the ceiling fan direction in the winter to clockwise. Switching the fan direction and using it on a low speed creates an upward draft that sends warm air throughout the room. Simply change the ceiling fan direction by adjusting the small switch on the fan’s body or if you have a fan with a pre-installed receiver, you can use the included handheld remote. If you have a WiFi ceiling fan, you can change the ceiling fan direction in the app.

Don’t forget to consider how much you want to spend on a ceiling fan as well as the money you’ll potentially save by installing a ceiling fan.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

According to the Alliance to Save Energy, on September 1991, President George Bush declared October as National Energy Awareness Month to encourage government and organizations to raise awareness of the importance of managing the nation's energy resources using sustainable methods.

How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient:

  1. Change your light bulbs to LEDs.
  2. If possible, wash your clothes in cold water.
  3. Sealing cracks, gaps, leaks, and adding insulation can save up to 10% on home heating and cooling costs.
  4. Clean or replace all filters in your home regularly. Dirty filters make your system work harder and run longer than necessary.
  5. Use your microwave instead of your stove when cooking.
  6. To ensure your appliances are running efficiently, defrost your refrigerator and freezer before ice buildup becomes 1/4-inch thick.
  7. During warmer months, close blinds, shades and drapes on the sunny side of your home to help keep your home's temperature cooler and reduce the work for you AC. Open shades during cooler months to let the sun warm your home.
  8. Don't peek in the oven while baking! Every time you peek, the temperature can drop 25 F, making your oven use more energy to bring the temperature back up.
  9. Use natural light when possible.
  10. Control your fixtures with a photocell or a timer to assure dusk-to-dawn only operation of your outdoor lights.
  11. Don't leave your computer on all day long. Only turn on your computer, monitor, printer and fax machine when you need them.
  12. Set your thermostat as high as comfortably possible in the summer and as low as possible in the winter. The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall heating and cooling bill will be.
  13. Using your ceiling fan will allow you to raise the thermostat setting about 4°F with no reduction in comfort.
  14. Refrigerators and freezers actually operate most efficiently when full, so keep your refrigerator and freezer as full as possible. Be careful about overfilling them as this will reduce airflow and cause the appliance to work harder.
  15. Using dishwashers and clothes washers/dryers at night will keep the house cooler, reduce strain on the power grid during the peak usage hours of 4 PM and 6 PM and reduce the chance of an emergency!
  16. Turn off heated dry on your dishwasher and air dry instead.
  17. Set your refrigerator temperature to the manufacturer's recommendation to avoid excessive cooling and wasting energy.
  18. Don't leave bathroom or kitchen ventilation fans running longer than necessary. They replace inside air with outside.
  19. If your home has single-pane windows, consider replacing them with more energy efficient windows, or adding solar shades or tinting film.
  20. Adjust the thermostat only to the desired temperature. Your home won't heat or cool faster by cranking it up.
  21. Install a programmable thermostat that will automatically adjust the temperature according to your schedule.
  22. Turn off the lights when they're not in use. Lighting accounts for about 12% of a typical residential utility bill.
  23. Don't leave your mobile phone plugged in overnight. It only takes a couple of hours to charge.
  24. Turn off the oven a few minutes before cooking time runs out. Your food will continue to cook without using the extra electricity.
  25. Avoid placing appliances that give off heat, such as lamps or TVs, near a thermostat.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

LED retrofit

Go From The Old Inefficient Energy Gobbling Recessed Can To The New Energy Efficient LED


1)  Air tight, seals off the attic air that the old trim allows into your home

2)  Uses 75% less energy - a 14W LED gives out the same light as a 65W bulb!

3)  Can chose the color of light, from the traditional incandescent light bulb yellow to a bright white!

4)  Makes your air conditioner work less hard!  LED produces almost no heat and also saves energy.

5) LED has an expected life span of 50,000 hours, you will likely never change one!

6)  Dimmable!  Saving even more energy, between the reduced wattage, reduced heat and reduce air exchange with the attic, you will see a 90% reduction in energy costs for your lighting!

7)  The return on investment is short, the energy savings alone will likely recoup your cost within a year!

 No one does an LED retrofit for less!

ON-LINE Electric is running a special for September 2019:

$15 per recess can-
This is the with new trim and includes labor!!!
This includes a choice of 2700K (incandescent color you likely have now)
5000K which is a bright white
An adjustable color trim (you can switch between colors) is $20 per unit installed!

There are a few restrictions:  must be under 15' in height (we can do higher surcharge), minimum 8 units (no maximum) 

CALL TODAY!(813) 662-0362

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

13 Things Your Electrician Wants You to Know

-Dan Stout

Almost every home uses electric service to one degree or another. And sooner or later, something is going to go wrong with your home’s electrical system. Whether you’re looking to add a light fixture or run rough electric for an addition, here are a few key facts that your electrician wishes you knew.

Don’t Ignore Warning Signs
The most important thing any electrician wants you to do is to never, ever ignore the warning signs that indicate problems in your electrical system. Whether it’s a popping noise from an outlet, a light
switch that runs extremely hot, or a breaker that won’t reset, when you have an electrical issue, it’s important that you take it seriously.

Luckily, most electrical issues can be resolved relatively quickly, as long as they are not allowed to fester and become an increasing hazard over time. There’s a reason that awareness of electrical issues is a key step in preventing fires in the home.

Understand GFCI
One of the most common service calls electricians get is about what appears to be a failure in a bathroom circuit. By code, all outlets within 6 feet of a water source are required to be protected by a ground fault circuit interrupt (GFCI). These are important safety devices that cut off power if a circuit
is losing amperage, so GFCIs are most commonly seen in bathrooms and exterior outlets. The thing that your electrician wants you to remember is that a single GFCI device protects everything else “downstream” on that circuit. Because bathrooms are often not on an isolated circuit, that means a triggered GFCI will kill the power to outlets and lights that may seem unrelated. And things can be even more confusing when the GFCI is installed at the electrical breaker box itself.

This service call is especially common for outdoor circuits and in homes where multiple bathrooms are on a single circuit, and it’s the reason that checking the GFCI is an important part of troubleshooting dead outlets.

Overhead Power Lines are Live!
Overhead lines are normally NOT insulated. When you see birds or squirrels on them, they are only
alive because they aren’t completing a circuit by touching the ground or offering the current an easier path than following the cable itself.

Most of the outdoor power lines you see are weather coated at most, with no insulation other than spacers at utility poles. Because they are so high above the ground, this isn’t an issue unless the lines fall, or a worker comes into contact with them while trimming a tree. And while lines that could be touched from a rooftop or tree are insulated, that insulation degrades over time, eventually crumbling and revealing bare wire. Approach all overhead lines with full knowledge of what they are potentially fatal objects best left to a licensed electrician or utility worker.

Know Your DIY limits
The DIY mind-set is wonderful thing. It’s a great way to learn about your home and develop your skills and self-reliance. But, it’s just as important to know the boundaries and limitations of your
skills. If you are a DIY newbie, a good rule of thumb is to only work on electrical components that are outside of the wall. As you develop your skills as an amateur electrician, you can do more advanced work, including fishing cable and adding outlets (so long as your local building department allows it). The problem arises when DIY enthusiasts who have more enthusiasm than experience tackle an electrical project, and then bury their less than perfect work behind a layer of drywall.

Working with wiring outdoors is a great intermediate step, since much of the work is easily accessed during the troubleshooting stage.

White Isn’t Always Neutral, and Black Isn’t Always Live
We know, this is contradicting best practices, but what your electrician understands is that a home’s electrical system is large, complicated, and may have been worked on by dozens of different people
, many of whom may not have been properly trained or following code. The end result is that when you open up an electrical outlet you may find a bewildering bird’s nest of wires, electrical tape and wire nuts. That doesn’t mean you can’t work on it, but it does mean that you need to be very careful and not make assumptions. Always use a non-contact voltage tester to verify that a line is dead before working on it. Here’s how.

If you need a reminder about how bad some amateur electrical can be, check out this list of the most common electrical code violations.

Low Voltage Doesn’t Mean No Danger
We’re not going to try to tell you that a low-voltage system is as dangerous as working on your electrical breaker box. But electricians want you to know that you should still take basic precautions. Treat low-voltage wiring as though it were standard, and you will pick up best practices that will pay off when working in higher voltage situations. Also, your electrician would be quick to remind you that it’s not the voltage that is harmful, but the current. Sometimes even low-voltage wiring can draw a higher than safe current.

A more common hazard when working with low-voltage wiring involves receiving a mild shock that surprises the installer and causes them to fall from a ladder or step stool. And, last but not least, keep in mind the importance of securing connections! A spark from a poorly secured low-voltage connection will ignite combustible materials just as easily as that from a 110v junction. Avoiding this hazard can be as simple as doing the job right, and not doing something as foolish as storing your oily rags next to a low-voltage device.

Vampires are Real!
Well, okay: vampire draws are real. Unlike Count Dracula, these items don’t drain your blood, but they will suck dollars out of your wallet. Electrical devices that have a “standby” mode and things
that use remote controls always need to maintain a steady stream of power in order to wake up quickly. In addition, charging devices, such as phone chargers and laptop chargers, draw power even when not plugged into their device. When electricians get calls about high energy bills, “vampire” devices are often the first thing they look at as potential culprits.

Protective Gear is only Protective if it’s Properly Made
Many people know that rubber is a great insulator, and so sometimes DIYers wrap themselves in rubber boots and gloves before tackling electrical issues that make them nervous. The problem is that most household robber isn’t pure. In order to keep the price
down, manufacturers mix in additives that lower the cost and increase durability. If you’re relying on rubber to keep you safe from an electrical charge, make sure you’re using actual safety gear.

Have you ever seen a TV show of film where an electrical line falls on a car, but the passengers are safe? That’s actually accurate, but not because the tires are insulating the vehicle. It’s because the tires are such good conductors that the electricity takes the path of least resistance, traveling to the ground through the tires and bypassing the interior completely.

Take a tip from your electrician, and make quality insulators part of your standard kit of protective gear.

You Can’t Install a Three-Slot receptacle Without a Ground Wire
If you have two-slot outlets, it’s tempting to replace them with three-slot outlets so you can plug in
three-prong plugs. But don’t do this unless you’re sure there’s a ground available. Use a tester to see if your outlet is grounded. A series of lights indicates whether the outlet is wired correctly or what fault exists. These testers are readily available at home centers and hardware stores.

If you discover a three-slot outlet in an ungrounded box, the easiest fix is to simply replace it with a two-slot outlet as shown. Dead outlet?

NEVER Tape or Hold Down a Circuit Breaker
Ask any electrician, and they can tell you: circuit breakers work because they break the circuit! When
a breaker keeps popping, you have to find and fix the problem. If you hold a breaker down with tape, then the dangerous conditions will only continue, and you’ll be setting yourself up for a major problem. Forcing the breaker to maintain contact is a recipe for disaster, and should be avoided at all costs.

If you, a friend or family member doesn’t know how to reset a circuit breaker, here’s a great tutorial everyone should read.

You Should Definitely Consider Tamper-Resistant Receptacles
Tamper-resistant receptacles are designed to stop a kid from inserting an object, such as a paper clip.
They’re required for all locations, indoors and out. Tamper-resistant receptacles are a great invention, so use them — it’s national electric code. We’ll show you how to correctly install a tamper-resistant outlet.

Outdoor Receptacle Covers Matter
On outdoor receptacles, flat covers provide protection only when a receptacle isn’t in use, but it’s not uncommon for extension cords to be plugged in for extended periods of time; for holiday lights, for example. In-use or “bubble covers” provide protection at all times. The national electrical code defines a “wet location” as an area that is subject to saturation with water
or other liquids, and unprotected locations exposed to the weather. The national electric code has another definition for “damp locations” that is more subjective, but if you think the receptacle is going to get wet, use an in-use cover. And don’t forget the weather-resistant receptacle. The national electric code requires that all 15- and 20-amp receptacles be rated as weather-resistant and tamper-resistant when installed in both wet and damp locations. Learn How to install outdoor lighting and an outlet here.

Many of these tips are cautionary tales. But they’re not intended to scare you away! The fact is, many electricians are eager to encourage homeowners to learn how to do basic electrical work on their own.

Call ON-LINE Electric TODAY ! (813) 662-0362

Top Consumer Tips for Choosing Electrical Contractors

1.  Always call a licensed and insured professional electrician to perform electrical repairs. Electrical work requires Specialized knowledg...

About Me

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On-Line Electric is the premier choice in residential and commercial electrical in the greater Tampa Bay area including St. Petersburg, Ruskin, Riverview, Brandon, Valrico, Clearwater and more. With 39 years of service and a professional, experienced staff, we deliver only the highest quality results! Providing solutions to your electrical problems and as well as the means for new electrical appliances/equipment in your home or business is our forté. We are highly skilled electricians in residential services, renovations, and in the commercial field, from service calls to town-home construction projects.